Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Friday, February 25, 2005

Fine. I'll post already!

Not that the people who actually read my blog haven't already read this one elsewhere...(although I did add a new stanza)

Emptiness Speaks

Let your tired thoughts slip to the floor,
We’ll exist without a soul or mind;
Do you fear the future? Close the door:

The past is done, no need to look behind.
The present is exhausting; need you try
To have a reason? Better live life blind.

Too spent to feel or think, too dry to cry,
Close your eyes if you’re afraid to see:
We’ll just survive together, you and I –

Is this freedom? We don’t know what’s free.
Wait for death: release comes soon or late;
We do not seek it, neither do we flee.

Come; leave your life to distant hands of fate –
You are but a whisper in the squall;
In time your breath will ease, your pulse abate,

The ebb and flow of being still and pall.
Hope not, care not; there need be no more –
Safe and empty, wrapped in Void’s grey thrall;

Until you die, let nothing be your core.
Nothing left to strive or struggle for?
Let your tired thoughts slip to the floor.

Since I HAD to write poems for Creative Writing class - I think I'm getting better. I actually like this one (I'm turning it in for a grade, in fact).

It is in the form of TERZA RIMA, which means the stanzas are three lines (as you can see) and the rhyming pattern is 'aba bcb cdc ded efe fgf ggg' (or in my case, 'g' is 'a' again) The lines can actually go on indefinitely , but they always have to end with three of the same rhyme scheme, which follows the middle line of the previous stanza. I am definitely not used to writing that sort of thing, but I actually had fun doing it!

Um... Oh yeah. And apologies for not updating. I am a lazy poophead.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Thank you, RK/Biscuit!


You're creative and often daydream. You build your
own little world whether it's a bad or a good
day, you can always escape to. You believe
dreams are the best thing reality has to offer.
You prefer the art of illusion over what drones
have made the real world out to be. Life can be
tough and you know this. Somedays you hate the
world and somedays you can tolerate it. You
love imagination and the mind, for this is
where you can mold your idea of how things
should be.

"In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds
of lullaby. I lie inside myself for hours and
watch my purple sky fly over me."

*Please Rate: It brings good Karma*

Which Evanescence 'Origin' Song Are You? (With Pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Indeed, I was quite inspired to take the quiz myself... and not in the LEAST surprised by the answer. I do like this song, although it's not my favorite.

Wow, I abandon my blog for a loooong time and the best thing I can come up with when I finally return to it is a quiz I took on the internet?

I am ashamed. (To be said Jacque-from-"Finding Nemo"-style: french accent and so on)