Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Friday, February 10, 2006

Update on my life, as it were

Hey, I never said I was interesting.

My life has been a study in contradictions recently. I am exercizing more, and more healthily, than I have in my entire life - aerobics and pilates, five days a week. However, my sleep habits are currently the worse they've ever been; worse than England by far. My average bed time has been 5:00 AM consistently for at least the past three or four weeks, and I have been sleeping in the afternoons, as if I was working night shift. The earliest I have been to bed in two weeks is 3:30 AM. I am not joking.

On the other hand, my depressive slump is beginning to dissipate, I think. I really don't get depressed frequently, but for some reason I have been kind of blah this quarter. My friends noticed it before I did. But I THINK I am doing somewhat better now - it's amazing what french pastries on Thursday mornings can do for one's feeling of well-being.

Oh, yes. The Colville St. Patisserie is my new love. Not only are the pastries gourmet and divine, the coffee - ah, the coffee - is closer to European (that is, Italian) coffee than anything else I've had in the States. I could live on that glorious stuff, and it brings back such memories... (Note that when I say coffee what I actually mean is espresso. I don't drink filtered coffee. That stuff is watery swill.)

But on the other other hand, I think this deadly cycle of sleeping (or lack thereof) is taking a toll on my body. I have been physically tired, and even exercising doesn't energize me for long. Plus I have had more wrist and knee problems than ever before, although I wonder if that's straing from the exercise...I dunno. Both of my wrists hurt consistently; I am afraid I might be getting carpal tunnel, and my knee has very recently been aching and I can't put a lot of weight on it. Something needs to change, and I wonder if getting sleep will help.

On that note, I think I will go to sleep.


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