Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Sunday, September 04, 2005

News...I guess.

Well, It's been some time since I posted here last, mostly because whenever I think of anything to write, it's so silly, random or inane I'd feel guilty writing about it on what I have begun to think of as my "serious" blog. I have to admit it's silly of me to make that distinction, especially since funny posts are much more entertaining than serious or mopey ones, and since this blog is open to the public eye anyway, I might as well try to make reading it an enjoyable experience. But I suppose that is silly of me as well. (Total number to times I've used the word "silly" so far: 4. I need a new word now.)

I guess I'll just be boring and update with a bit o' news, since I can't think of anything better to do:

The stitches came out of my leg last Tuesday and so far the knee has been doing fine. (For those of you who don't know, I fell on a rock a few weekends ago and sliced my knee open. Dad had to give me stitches because we were out on Shaw Island with no ER to speak of. My aunt and grandma were there too: a hospital chaplain and a retired nurse, respecively - so I was all set; couldn't have had a better team. Anyway, that was exciting.

I FINALLY got my driver's license. Yes, I am nearly twenty. Yes, I took driver's ed two years ago and never did anything with it. Yes, I went through at least three driver's permits (kept losing them), and yes, it took me two tries, with not nearly enough practice, to get my license. And I very nearly failed the second time as well, when I did something unbelievably stupid first thing. I refuse to tell my dad what I did, though, and I know he reads this blog, so the rest you will never know either.

I'm kind of in a slump at the moment; a result of several things. I am stressed out with too much to do between now and when I go back to school; especially in regards to research writing for which I have to have 20 sources at least and so far I only have ten or so. I need a lot of articles and scholarly journals now, and no way to find them; and only a week to prepare if I discount the time I will be spending in California.

Truly, Cali is the only bright spot on my horizon right now. I would be excited about school if it weren't for worry about RW: on the other hand I am all registered now which is a definite load off my mind. Actually, if I force myself to look at everything that's been going right (for example, my mom actually believes there may be hope for me after all - I'm TAKING RESPONSIBLITY?? WHA??) I have nothing to complain about. And really, I know Cali's going to be an utter blast. Especially since mom hasn't gotten me my b-day present yet and she says she'll pay for any one mildly expensive piece of clothing I find down south. (Mildly expensive = under $300). So honestly, what the HELL am I complaining about? Life is actually awesome!

I love it when I undergo a mood change DURING a blogging session. It makes it so much more interesting - well, for ME at least.


  • At 8:46 AM, Blogger Fateduel said…

    Stupid spammers...
    But yea! You can tell us all individualy and then it won't have to be a cryptic secret what it was that you did that was "unbelievably stupid first thing" in your drivers test. I soooo want to know.
    Also, see? You passed it. What did I tell you?

  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger Avi said…

    Wait - you told me something?

  • At 6:47 PM, Blogger Ralikat said…

    spammers?! I have no idea...

    You told her something? Since when...*is just as confused as Av.*

    Oh yeah, and I know :P

  • At 2:36 AM, Blogger Ralikat said…

    It's a good thing you don't ever update. Heaven knows what I'd do if you did...

  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Fateduel said…

    Oh, I had told you that you would do fine on your driving test.
    Because I can see the fuuuuutuuuure
    *wavy hands*


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