Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Friday, April 22, 2005

Tiramisu and the wellspring of content

I start out this post with no real purpose, vendetta, or soapbox - or even with anything to say, really. I am content today. Tomorrow and in the days that follow I imagine I will feel overwhelmed, oppressed, exhausted, stressed - but until then, I am cherishing this feeling of peace. I have been more involved in things than I have been since my early days of highschool, but instead of making me more stressed, it's actually added to my confidence and feeling of inner content. True, I have been racked with self-doubt as usual, but not nearly as much as I used to - or perhaps it is that I am better equipped to deal with it. Whichever it may be, I am happy to have some sort of feeling of self-worth. Perhaps my content is merely derived from the tiramisu I devoured this evening .... mmm, tiramisu....

Peace is a beautiful thing to feel. Tonight I feel at peace with the world. I have no sad stories to tell. I have been talking to some of my friends who have had miserable relationships or tense and stressful times in their lives, and I look back on my own life and see that all my childhood miseries are bedtime stories in comparison. I suppose, then, I should be thankful that the only thing I feel is loneliness and self-doubt - better that than regret, betrayal, or acute pain and loss. All I have to deal with is wondering why I have never been the object of anyone's affection. Somehow my problems aren't all that terrible after all.

Well, God, thank you for giving me perspective. Thank you for peace of mind, something all too fleeting in this life. Now I hope I can let it remain even when the little things, like the desparate need to clean my room, the paper due on Tuesday, the play in two weeks' time, and other bits and pieces threaten to take over my life and turn it into a frenzy. Help me keep howling life at bay, if only for a little while. I need the quiet moments.


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