Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

And here we are.

So, Dublin was a blast. I had my first shot of alcohol (Bailey's) which was unfortunately quite good, and managed to not get drunk although I was supposed to have a different drink at each pub we went to during the pub crawl. It was great fun nonetheless - some the of the pubs were really awesome-looking! We also went to two clubs after that, but the second club sucked because nobody was dancing at all. Rrrrr.

On to more important things - my passions. I was absolutely fulfilled. The first day in Dublin we went to Trinity College and had our look at the Book of Kells. I - words just can't describe - it was impossibly glorious. One of the things I liked best was a video they had of how codexes were made by hand (codex being the bound, book-style we know, rather than scrolls)- it was intriguing and now I want to learn how to make them myself. I shall have to see if I can dig up a course or something for that.

And the ILLUMINATION! Oh, God. I can't even begin - goshdarnit, I wish I could do that! The detail - the colors - the intricacy of all those celtic knots... And did you know that both the peacock and (ironically) the snake are symbols of Christ and the resurrection? I didn't. The actual Book of Kells itself was impressive because I could see for myself how incredibly detailed each illumination was. I think I will have to write a story where the main character is a professional illuminator - or maybe a book-binder. One of the two.

The second day we went to the national museum - another one of my passions. I spent waaaay to long on the stuff about prehistoric Ireland, and by the time I got to Medieval Ireland and Viking Ireland (all things I am VERY much interested in!) I was so drained and full of knowledge I barely glanced at them. You have no idea how AWFUL that is! I wanted to come back later when I was a bit more refreshed, but we went on to other things. Horrible.

The last day we went to Kilkenny on a bus tour. We stopped at Glendalough on the way there, which used to have a small monastery. Some of the buildings were still there, albeit in ruins, and they still use the cemetary. It was beautiful. The day was gorgeous and sunny with a little bit of a breeze, and it was so serene and - spiritual - there. I wandered among the stone ruins and celtic crosses, and felt my spiritual cup being filled more than it has all year at school. The two lakes that were what Glendalough was named for were lovely, too, but I've seen lovelier at home (the scenery did make me think of the San Juan islands) and really, it was all about the monastery.

Three of my passions together - Celtic knotwork, Ancient history (Celtic, no less!) and sacred places. What more can be said? I love Ireland!


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