Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Monday, May 09, 2005


Here, I have unimpeachable proof that a girl's dorm room can be every bit as scary as a guy's.

Get this: All this evening I kept hearing weird rustling noises in my rubbish bin. I thought it was probably a beetle or something and figured I'd ignore it since I am phenomenally lazy and most bugs (unless they're mosquitos or hissing cockroaches) don't bother me at all. So I left the area alone.

At around 3-ish or 4-ish in the morning, when I was getting about ready to wrap things up and go to bed, I suddenly heard a loud noise and something went flying up from the rubbish bin and landed by the wall. I thought it was perhaps a small rodent or a frog or something because it looked like something small and dark had whizzed by, but when my roommate and I cautiously began moving thing away from the area (it was very cluttered) there was no animal to be found. There was, however, an upended small bottle of what had once been a mango smoothie drink, with its foamy-looking contents all over the papers and things that filled up that corner. I then began to notice the most horrible smell - like something fermented, but not the acceptable smell of alcoholic drinks, mind you - and I realized the leaping "rodent" was in fact the bottle of smoothie, which had exploded from the bin, propelled by its own gas. For some unexplainable reason, it had been put into the bin, upside-down, without being emptied - and the juice inside had fermented, creating a gas powerful enough to actually pop it off its lid (which we never found) and into the air, spewing rotting drink as it went. The small dark thing I had thought to be the rodent or frog had actually been a tea bag, which had obviously been sitting atop this rocket of rancidness.

Oh, glory. This whole corner still stinks to high heaven. I am convinced now there is absolutely no worse smell (except possibly rotting flesh but I have had no experience there so I wouldn't know) than that of rancid, fermented mango smoothie. The whole incident is ridiculous! - And I have to admit I find it supremely hilarious (really it is something I would expect from a guy's dorm room), but all the same...

Oh, yuck.


  • At 9:29 AM, Blogger Ralikat said…

    There aren't words. There really just aren't words.

  • At 6:16 PM, Blogger Fateduel said…

    " something fermented, but not the acceptable smell of alcoholic drinks, mind you..."
    Wait, what? Acceptable?
    Since when has alchohol become acceptable in any fashion, least of all in it's smell?

  • At 5:38 AM, Blogger Avi said…

    well, MORE acceptable than the nastiness that was in our corner. YOU didn't have to smell it. It makes just about anything smell acceptable, trust me.


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