Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Soggy Pizza

So last night in the middle of one of my dreams, I started composing a little ditty about my husband. I'm not sure why, or what it had to do with my dream. I only got about as far as the first verse before I woke up, but I remembered it and sang it to him (he thought it was cute, of course)...and then got creative while driving to work and managed to come up with three more verses. I might add more later!

See, when my husband and I first started dating, I made the mistake of singing "Top of the World" to him one day. He loved it...but then got the brilliant idea that he could sing to me, too - except he prefers to make up his own words and be...creative. Which means that sometimes I get odes likening my eyelashes to centipede legs.

Another example: one day, he told me my eyes were like the sea after a summer storm. Which was actually quite poetic and lovely, except I felt the need to quellingly remind him that my eyes were really very bloodshot.

To which he responded without missing a beat, "...after a shark attack!"

Long story short, I think it's about time I waxed poetic about my one true love. Although I didn't stoop so low as to compare his eyes to the sea after a shark attack, I do think I made the lyrics sufficiently cheesy and mushy. Which is why I secretly refer to it as my "Soggy Pizza Song" even though there is no reference to pizza anywhere.

Here it is.

When poets praise lovers, they often will say
"Your eyes are blue as the sea,"
Well, yours are a changeable, blue-greeny-gray -
Your eyes are sea-colored to me.

When poets praise lovers, they sometimes will crown
Them with "hair black as ebony,"
Yours is a kind of a woodsy black-brown...
That's ebony-colored to me.

When poets praise lovers, they often will sigh,
"Your words are sweet as honey,"
When you let your wit and your sarcasm fly,
No words could be sweeter to me!

When poets praise lovers, and make them divine,
To worship afar longingly,
I say, "You're no god, love - you're real and you're mine.
What more could matter to me?"


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