Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

For RK

Remember this poem from dA? I've decided to dedicate it - especially the second half - to you, because you've said something very similar.... Take the plunge. God knows I never have.

The Waterfall - an image from a dream

Jade-green and lapis-blue, foaming white.
Frothing, tumbling, dashing, eddying, then
Plunging and hurling in a cascade of ice-white
And deep green, pooling more deeply and coldly
Than the sky – a dark, dark blue that rivals the purest of sapphires,
A green richer, clearer than any emerald.

A dizzying, icy plunge, a rush, and up again. There is no escape,
And no desire to. What need for air in a splendor that steals
The very breath from the lungs; what need
For safety in an encompassing rush
That leaves no room for fear? What need for thought
When all that exists is the cold, dark, dazzling brilliance of the eternal plunge?