Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Oh, I'm so proud of my little sister! This weekend she's the Featured Soloist for her local Youth Symphony, doing a Bach Flute Concerto (guess what instrument she's playing?....Ok, who's the wise guy who guessed trombone? Somebody smack him over the head with a plank! A nail-studded one. Rusty. Wow I'm violent today. She would approve.)

*cough* Yeah... Moving on...

She's so talented! Once again I mourn my laziness in dropping Cello. And Piano. And abandoning my bodhran. If I had stuck with any of them...


Ok! Absolutely no more pity parties! At least Mom will feel vindicated...Er, hi Mom! The point is, my sister, age 15, is such a good flute player she is a featured soloist. She made the state thingy ( I don't remember what it's called!) last year and she's first flute almost every time she tries out for something. She is amazingly talented and I'm incredibly proud of her mad fluting skills.

The problem with this concert is, I'm going to miss it completely. My grandparents from California are flying up to see her, and the other set are driving out as well, and I'm not going to be able to see it! How bumworthy is that? (Bumworthy isn't a word, is it?) It's depressing, really. Here's the one time she gets to shine and I'm practically on the other side of the world. Bah.


  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger Fateduel said…

    aww poor Avi.
    oo oo!! You can watch this guy:
    play flute! He's good too!


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