Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Random Crap

Having given in to peer pressure and actually gotten a blog, I am now giving in to peer pressure and updating because if I don’t Widge or RK’ll probably call down the little green men and have them force-feed me curried brussels-sprouts or something hideous. I should have warned them all I was a lazy-ass typeh and all my attempts at other forms of journaling or diary-ing have fizzled and died a quick and hopefully painless death within perhaps the first month. I’m even bad with emails.

So, today I feel like crap. Actually, crap is entirely too mild a word for the way I feel but out of respect for those who wish this to remain g-rated or at least pg-rated I will keep the $#*@% to a minimum, or at least until something really – er – crappy comes along and releases my personal Pandora’s Box of badness. Whoa, I’m long-winded today – check out that last sentence! Okay, fine, don’t.

Anyway, back to feeling like crap. I have a nasty cold which decided to plug my nasal passages last night so I couldn’t breathe;my throat, nose, head and neck all ache; and I’m drippier than…umm…something really drippy. On the plus side, my red nose looks cute and my voice is all froggy which is also cute! Ok, it probably isn’t and that really wasn’t a plus side but I’m tired of being negative already.

I got an email from my Dad yesterday and benefited from his infinite wisdom. Actually, that wasn’t meant to be sarcastic. There are few people in this world I respect as much as I respect him. I also got to talk to my family on the phone – finally – a couple nights ago and was much entertained. It’s been weeks since I’ve communicated with my sisters. I miss them all so much!

I miss my friends back home too. True, I’ve made some awesomely cool ones here (heheheh I of course have to say this because they’re the ones who blog-pressured me and are therefore going to read it) and am pretty much having a blast supplying weapons to RK for her war with Widge, whipping people’s asses at ERF (or rather, Egyptian Rat Screw, or Egyptian Slap, or other more g-rated names) and such. However, I just realized how much I miss my really tight buddies when one of my best friends emailed me back yesterday and I realized how long it’s been since I saw him last. Certain things about my friends here keep reminding me of my friends at home (which makes sense, since I choose who I hang out with and there are certain kinds of people I think are really cool), but at the same time I feel guilty that certain things like inside jokes, phrases, traditions and such are being lost altogether. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll go back next year and find myself replaced, left behind. I wonder if I’ll feel like a stranger. Now, with true friends one shouldn’t have to worry about these things, and I know they would never do anything intentionally, but people grow, and grow apart, and there’s no changing that. I just hope the changes won’t be so big I’ll have lost something precious.


  • At 8:00 PM, Blogger Ralikat said…

    Egyptian Slap? What's with that?!

    *runs up to Avi* WchPsh!

    Oh geez, hold on! I forgot my wig

    *runs into the other room, grabs her VERY Egyptian-looking imitation wig* That's better. WchPsh!


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