Peace Outside

"Ruminations, Illuminations! Vocabulary, sing for me in your cage of time, restless on the bone's perch."

Sunday, October 31, 2004

What? I'm still maturing? Noooo!

It’s kind of hard putting my concerns and thoughts down where I know someone is going to read them, but at the same time, if I don’t have them out I’ll feel even worse. So for those of you who actually read this crap, sorry.

I’m turning into someone I don’t recognize, and it’s beginning to scare me. I have been noticing this the most when I’m around my new friends and I realize how open I’ve become. It took me three years to be this blatantly honest with my friends back at home, and now in only two or three months I am so much more at ease with the new ones than I expected. That is of course to their credit, that they’re so easy to be open with. One thing I will say most emphatically – there is nothing like a few overnight trips for getting one acquainted with people fast. One sees people at their lowest and sometimes at their best. It’s a very good way to get honest, and for me at least it really sped up the whole friendship process. This is probably why I can be so open with people now.

But that’s only part of it. I catch myself swearing more in the presence of others, for one thing. I’ve become much more self-aware and I suppose self-indulgent. I think I’ve lost some sort of innocence or something, but I can’t think what! Is it a good thing? Does this merely mean I am maturing socially? Geez, I feel like a highschooler again! NOooooo…

I may post more later, on cool stuff like Glasgow and Oxford, but for now I'm all done. Thanks for listening (reading), chaps and chappesses.


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